Health Market

Healthcare programming identification, selection, and implementation present a multi-faceted issue that many members face. They may not be aware of healthcare programs thereby limiting the enrollment in them. Members often lack the health literacy to determine which types of care and services are best for their types of needs. Anthem Inc experiences issues with enrollment in and awareness of member-facing programs. Alongside partnerships and integration, a member would have improved access to the healthcare services that result in the best possible treatment outcomes.


A member that needs assistance managing aspects of their healthcare services will enlist the help of paid and/or unpaid caregiving support to assist with various needs. In this interaction, a caregiver is burdened with finding the right tools to track and manage arenas such as transportation to and from appointments, prescription management, and medical equipment. While there are apps and digital tools to assist, it leaves the caregiver with finding, vetting, and selecting the right tools for the job, then learning each app independently, and even then keeping track of which ones are for which services. This market platform provides a one-stop-shop place with vetted tools and partnerships to better improve onboarding of a caregiver. In turn, this improves member outcomes and overall health.

Desktop screenshots of using provider finder website with an example of trying to find a black therapist specializing in gambling around the Chicago metro area that produces zero results

Proposed Solution

Create a more user-friendly platform to surface member-facing programs including the onboarding experience for caregivers to manage different areas of health needs.

My Role

I was the lead researcher tasked with looking into member-facing demographics, healthcare needs, and feedback regarding healthcare programming. I collaborated with senior researchers surrounding different population segments to coordinate research efforts. Regular meetings with stakeholders including product managers, developers, and UX designers provided ongoing feedback and project direction.

Personas of two people modeled after real-life call center examples including a lesbian couple looking for LGBTQ affirming therapist and a black man searching for a black therapist


I did secondary research to uncover insights about member needs related to Social Determinants of Health. I then used competitive analysis to uncover healthcare program offerings by employers. These programs combined with the identified member needs were the base of categories presented to members in a card sort. I conducted the card sort through UzerZoom involving 300 participants to gain insight to their priorities comparative to needs in the healthcare space. Additional surveys in groupings of 100 participants were also used to identify pain points and workarounds caregivers use to meet their person’s needs. I also put together mid-fidelity wireframes for what the onboarding process would look like from the member and caregiver perspectives.

Mobile screens of mid fidelity prototype showing how a member adds a caregiver to their team and how a caregiver receives the invite and selects coinciding apps to help them in their role of caregiver
Mid fidelity wireframes of member and caregiver onboarding examples

Results and Deliverables

The insights gained were consolidated into several artifacts to track my research process to distill the information into PowerPoint slides. I presented the findings to stakeholders with included suggestions for future product direction. Utilizing information architecture strategies, I created a concept to present visual support for product direction based on my previous suggestions along with user feedback in the card sorts.

Concept showing health plan selection with feedback to help save on costs by selecting programs based on previous year usage
Plan selection tool concept

Future Outlook

I continue working with stakeholders on concept development alongside the business strategy plan. I have presented insights and suggestions that would greatly improve members’ experience when selecting programs. In future work, I hope to continue advocating for improved member experience with the end user in mind. Other member pain points were highlighted in my various surveys and card sorting that I have presented to other areas of the enterprise to improve member experience, such as open enrollment, which I strongly believe could result in crucial positive changes looking forward.